Quem Somos | Gloria Corbetta Comercio de Objetos de Arte

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A artista, Gloria Corbetta
Nosso Showroom em Porto Alegre- vista externa
Vista interna, loja física

GLORIA CORBETTA nasceu em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. É Escultora e Designer de Joias. É graduada pelo curso Superior de Design de Joias da ULBRA (UNIVERSIDADE LUTERANA BRASILEIRA). Cursou de 2007 a 2011 a GIA (Gemological Institute of América), nos Estados Unidos, Nova York, distance education.

Seu currículo inclui vasto número de exposições realizadas no Brasil e no exterior. Sua linha de Arte Aplicada e Joias Escultóricas em aço foi exposta e comercializada na Memo Art, Galerie Du Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, França (1996 à 1999).

Possui uma atuação bastante marcante no seu Estado, tendo presidido de 1991 a 1994 a Comissão de Arte do Conselho Estadual de Cultura do Rio Grande do Sul.

Por seu destaque no mundo das artes recebeu a comenda Monumento All Imigrante, concedida pela Prefeitura de Caxias do Sul, RS, e o Prêmio Destaque Empresarial, oferecido pelo Jornal do Comércio, FIERGS, POA, RS.

Em 2020 completou 43 anos de arte dedicada a Escultura. Durante todos esses anos dedicados à arte tridimensional, encontra-se lado a lado a atuação como Designer de Joias, com seu estilo próprio, nitidamente escultórico.

Em 2007 e 2008 participou da SOFA (Sculpture Objects Funcional Art), New York, USA.

Foi diretora da AJORSUL (Associação dos Joalheiros do R.G.Sul), no segmento de Marketing e Design de Joias no período de 2007 a 2009.

Em 2011 cria o monumento "Tributo ao Municipalismo", FAMURGS, POA, RS

Em Setembro de 2011 participa da exposição "Joalheria Brasileira" Embaixada Brasileira em Berlin, Alemanha

Em 2014 participa da New York Design Week, Joalheria Brasileira

Em fevereiro de 2015 participa da Inhorgenta, Joalheria Brasileira- Munique, Alemanha

Em março de 2016 participa da Exposição, Joalheria Brasileira, Ward Nasser Gallery/Nova York,USA.

Em 2017, participa em março- Joalheria Brasileira, Central Exhibition Hall Manezh- Moscou

No mesmo ano, participa em outubro, da Joalheria Brasileira- Carroussel du Louvre-Paris

Em 2018, participa da Exposição Joalheria Brasileira -Collect Brazilian Jewelry, & Artcom Expo International, em março - Dubai

Em 2019 - Galeria La Pigna, Roma- Collect Brazilian Jewelry

2019 - Artista homenageada na Mostra Elite Design - Espaço Gloria Corbetta- por Rogério Figueiras, arquiteto.

Em 2020 - Espacio Gallery- collect Brazialian Jewelry -Março

Em 2020 -Polaridades- Museu A Casa -Museu do Objeto Brasileiro -São Paulo


  • . She majored in Jewel Design at the Universidade Luterana Brasileira (ULBRA).She took the University Course at GIA (Gemological Institute of America),from 2008 to 2011, distance education, United States.
  • Beginning her artistic career very early in life, she eventually devoted to sculpture and has an extensive history of exhibitions in Brazil and abroad.
  • A successful entrepreneur of her work as an artist, she pioneered a GLORIA CORBETTA was born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. She is a sculptor and jeweler space for applied art, design and sculpture. In 1990 she opened her "Show Room Gloria Corbetta", where she deals in her works: sculptures in bronze, aluminum, resin and stainless steel, applied art and design for home and office objects, as well as a line of 18k gold sculpture jewels.
  • From 1994 to 1998 she headed the Committee off Arts of the State Council of Culture of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
  • In 2012 she completed 35 years of art devoted to sculpture. All along these years devoted to three-dimensional art, she has a parallel work as a Jewelry Designer, with a unique, clearly sculptural style.
  • Her curriculum includes numerous exhibitions held in Brazil and abroad. Her line of Applied Art and Sculpture Jewels in steel was exhibited and traded in the Memo Art, Galerie Du Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France (1996-1999).
  • A prominent figure in the art of Rio Grande do Sul, she was the chairperson of the Art Committee of the State Council of Culture from 1991 to 1994. Because of her outstanding work in the field of art, she received the "Monumento ao Imigrante" Award from the city of Caxias do Sul, RS, and the "Destaque Empresarial" Award from the Jornal do Comércio, FIERGS, in Porto Alegre, RS.
  • Worth mentioning, too, is the work she has been developing over these years alongside major entrepreneurs of Rio Grande do Sul, where she is the designer of a vast line of trophies for large companies in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • In 2007 and 2008 she took part at SOFA, New York ( Sculpture Objects Cultural Art) with her line in Art Jewel.
  • In 2008 she assume de Directory of AJORSUL ( Associação dos Joalheiros do R.G.Sul), in Design and Marketing
  • In 2011 she took part at “Joalheria Brasileira”, in Brasilian Embassy, at Berlim Germany
  • In 2014 she took part at New York Design Week- Joalheria Basileira-USA
  • In 2015 she took part at Inhorgenta/2015- Munich- Germany
  • In 2016 shwe took part at “ Joalheria Brasileira”, Ward Nasser Art Gallery, New York, USA
  • In 2017 she took part at “Collect Brazilian Handmade Jewelry, in march-Central Exibition Hall Manege, Moscou, Russia.
  • In the same year , took part at “Collect Brazilian Handmade Jewelry”, October, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris.
  • In 2018 she took part at “Collect Brazilian Handmade Jewelry , march, Dubai International World Center, Index. Dubai,Arabes Emirates
  • In 2019 she took part at “ Collect Brazilian Jewelry in Once Space Galery, New York,April.
  • In the same year, shee took part at “ Collect Braszilian Jewelry” in Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, October
  • In the same year, she took part at “Collect Brazilian Jewelry, in Galeria Pign,Rome, Italy- February
  • In 2020,Espacio Gallery , “ Collect Brazialian Jewelry, London, England


  • She is the author of 3 books: “Gloria Corbetta,
  • · A Arte do Tridimensional” (2002),
  • · “Manual do Escultor” (Editora AGE, 2000), Joalheria de Arte(EditoraAGE,2006).


  • · Dicionário de Artes Plásticas”, Júlio Louzada
  • · “Dicionário de Artes Plásticas do Rio Grande do Sul " (Décio Presser,Renato Rosa),
  • · “Escultores do Rio Grande do Sul” (Armindo Trevisan),
  • · Um Novo Olhar sobre o Design Brasileiro, Objeto Brasil( 2005).
  • · Caderno de Tendências do IBGM, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, São Paulo, SP
  • “International Sculpture Center”, United States Portfolio
  • · Joalheria Brasileira, do Descobrimento ao Século XX, Mariana Magtaz,2009
  • Contemporary Yearr Book (2015/2016)- Duplex Edition-Espanha-Madrid
  • Contemporary Yearr Book (2017/2018)- Duplex Edition-Espanha-Madrid
  • Contemporary Yearr Book (2018/2019)- Duplex Edition-Espanha-Madrid


-In 2004 she won the IBGM Award of Jewel Design - Retratos Brasileiros, with the piece “ Hurling Ball Necklace”

-At the same date she received the AJORSUL Award of Jewel Design (1st Place) - Retratos Brasileiros, in Gramado, RS.

-In 2005 she had a selected piece in the AJORSUL Award of Jewel Design, “Colar Paz”, Gramado, RS.

-She participated in the DBrasil IF Design 2005/ Germany, Selected Piece -Two-in-one ring.

-In 2005 , her piece “Colar Borboleta em Ametista” comes to integrate the Gia (Gemological Institute of America) Collection, "The Soul of Brazil”, USA

-She participated in the D Brasil IFDesign 2007/Germany, Selected Piece - Bracelet in frills

-In 2008 she received the Bornancini Award, Jewel Design - Rutile Ring

-In 2010 she received the Bornancini Award , Jewel design, Stainless Steel Necklace

-In 2016 she received the International Award- Objeto Brasil/2016- Gold prize/Jewel design - Spoon Necklace

She defines her jewels as a “personal sculpture”. They are small enough to be worn as an ornament. They reflect the soul, the style and the technic of the artist who created them. The time of an artistic jewel is eternal.

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